There was a release that now imports the values of American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa from the Credit Card Activity Report. 

With this change, the auto import codes will need to be updated. 

See below for instructions on how to complete this:

1. In Accounting, select Daily Activity then PMS Mapping.

2. On the top left, select Charge Codes.

3. Click on the 911-IC code

4. Update the status from Active to Inactive, and remove the Auto Import ID so this field in blank. This will stop any values from importing, and remove this as a code in the payment section.

5. Select Save.

6. Next, open the charge code for American Express and update the Auto Import ID to CC-AX.

7. Open the charge code for Discover and update the Auto Import ID to CC-DS, update Mastercard to CC-MC, and Visa to CC-VI as shown below:

Note that making this change will trigger the auto import codes of IC and IX to show as Auto Import Errors on the main Daily Activity Entry page. 

Click on the Auto Import Error button, and select the checkbox on the right for Not Used as these should not be imported moving further.