Inn-Flow's Daily Activity page can be set up to accommodate many Property Management Systems (PMS).
Find yours in the list below for more information on how to have your Daily Activity data entered into Inn-Flow
Reports Required:
- NADLYSUM Daily Closing Summary Report
- NADLYCLS Daily Closing Report
- NACACTIV Credit Card Activity Report
- NAARDETAIL A/R Account Details
- NAMKTNGS Daily Segmentation Report
- NAREVRPT Revenue Report
2. FOSSE - How to Manually Import Prior Days?
3. How it works? FOSSE sends the reports via email immediately following when you run audit. Should audit be ran at 12am or 4am, the reports will be emailed once audit is ran.
Report Needed for Initial Setup: Daily Closing Report as of December 31st of the prior year.
Reports Required:
- RECRCP Detailed Receivables Recap
- GSTSTATS Room/Guest Statistics
- DPAUDSAA Account Summary Report
- MCATRPT Market Category Report
- TRIALBAL Trial Balance
1. Hilton/OnQ - How to Manually Import?
2. How it works? - OnQ does not have the ability to automatically email night audit reports in an import format. The files above must be manually downloaded each night, once audit runs, then manually imported into Inn-Flow.
Report Needed for Initial Setup: PTD/YTD Accounting Report as of December 31st of the prior year.
Reports Required:
- Final Audit V2 (located in “List of Reports” NOT the ‘Dynamic Reports’)
- Market Segment Summary
- Hotel Statistics
1. PEP - How to set up PEP for Auto-Import?
2. PEP - How to manually import prior days?
3. How it works? - PEP has the ability to automatically email the above files nightly, as a designated set time. In the above instructions on how to setup PEP for auto import, you tell PEP what time to send the files. Night Audit must be ran each night by this time so that the reports send the correct data. If the audit is ran afterwards, then the files sent will be from 2 days ago. Best practice - setup the Auto Email Reports from PEP to be sent by 6:00am as most night audits are ran safely by this time.
Reports Required:
- trial_balance Trial Balance
- stat_dmy_seg Market Code Statistics
- manager_report Manager – Flash
1. Opera - How do I setup Opera for Daily Activity Import?
2. Opera - How to Manually Import Prior Days?
3. Opera - Troubleshooting Failed Imports
4. How it works? - Opera has the ability to automatically email the above files nightly, as a designated set time. In the above instructions on how to setup Opera for auto import, you tell Opera what time to send the files. Night Audit must be ran each night by this time so that the reports send the correct data. If the audit is ran afterwards, then the files sent will be from 2 days ago. Best practice - setup the Auto Email Reports from Opera to be sent by 6:00am as most night audits are ran safely by this time.
Report Needed for Initial Setup: All by Transaction Codes Gross as of December 31st of the prior year with the below settings:
- trial_balance Trial Balance
- stat_dmy_seg Day/MTD/YTD Statistics
- manager_report Manager – Flash
1. Opera Cloud - How do I setup Opera Cloud for Daily Activity Import?
2. How it works? - Opera has the ability to automatically email the above files nightly, as a designated set time. In the above instructions on how to setup Opera for auto import, you tell Opera what time to send the files. Night Audit must be ran each night by this time so that the reports send the correct data. If the audit is ran afterwards, then the files sent will be from 2 days ago. Best practice - setup the Auto Email Reports from Opera to be sent by 6:00am as most night audits are ran safely by this time.
Reports Required:
- Final Transaction Closeout
- Hotel Journal Summary Report
- Revenue by Rate Code - Summary
- Ledger Activity Report
- Hotel Statistics Report
1. Choice - How to Auto-Import
2. How it works? - Choice does not have the ability to automatically email night audit reports in an import format. The Back Office Report, mentioned in the task above, must be manually downloaded each night, once audit runs, then manually imported into Inn-Flow.
Reports Required:
- Market Segment Report (Segmentation)
- Daily Report Detail Listing (Revenue, Non-Revenue)
- Daily Report Statistical Recap (Stats, Payment, Ledgers)
1. Visual Matrix - How to Setup Auto-Import
2. How it works? -
Reports Required:
- Statistics Report
- Hotel Ledger Comparison Report
- Revenue Recap by Rate Plan
- Detail Transaction Total List
SynXis Property Hub - How to Set Up for Auto-Import
Synxis Property Hub (SPH) - How to Manually Import Prior Days?
2. How it works? -
Jonas Chorum
Reports Required:
- Managers Report
- Rate and Market Statistics
- Daily Activity Report
1. Jonas Chorum - How to Setup Auto-Import
2. How it works? - Files are setup within the PMS to be sent automatically each night.
Back Office Report
1. SkyTouch - How to Manually Import
2. How it works? - SkyTouch does not have the ability to automatically email night audit reports in an import format. The Back Office Report, mentioned in the task above, must be manually downloaded each night, once audit runs, then manually imported into Inn-Flow.
Marriott Lightspeed (formerly Starwood Lightspeed)
Reports Required:
- Managers Statistics Report (res.mgrrpt)
- Daily Revenue Report (na.dailyrev)
- Market Segment Analysis (es.esmktrpt)
- Guest Ledger Summary Report (res.glsum)
- A/R Summary Report (ar.arsum)
- Advance Deposit Balance Sheet (res.depsum)
1. Lightspeed - How to Manually Import
2. How it works? - Lightspeed does not have the ability to automatically email night audit reports in an import format. You must have the program called Savvie to download these. The files above must be manually downloaded each night, once audit runs, then manually imported into Inn-Flow.
Anand Systems (ASI)
Reports Required:
- Ledger Summary (ONLY use page 2)
- Hotel Statistics
- Daily Summary
- Daily Collection
1. How it works? - This is a manual entry as an integration does not yet exist.
Hotel Key
Reports Required:
- Final Audit Report
- Rate Type Tracking Report
Reports Required:
- Management Audit Summary
- Total Management Summary
- Revenue Summary
- Audit Details
Cloud PM
Reports Required:
- Manager’s Report (Statistics)
- Daily Activity Report > Payment/Credit Departments (Payment)
- Daily Activity Report > Revenue/Debit Departments (Revenue/Non Revenue)
- Ledger Balance Summary (Ledger Activity)
Auto Clerk
Reports Required:
- Manager’s Report
- Transaction Summary
- Revenue Report (for Segmentation)
1. AutoClerk: How to manually import the files?
2. How it works? - AutoClerk does not have the ability to automatically email night audit reports in an import format. The files above must be manually downloaded each night, once audit runs, then manually imported into Inn-Flow.
RediStay (Red Roof Inn)
Reports Required:
Statistics Report
Hotel Ledger Comparison
Detail Transaction Total List
Revenue Recap by Rate Plan
1. How it works? - This is a manual entry as an integration does not yet exist.
The below items on the PMS Reports:
- Beginning & Ending Balances for Guest Ledger, City/Accounts Receivable Ledger, Gift Certificate Ledger and Advance Deposit Ledger (if these apply)
- A list of all payments collected (American Express, Cash, Check, Visa, etc.)
- A list of all revenue (Room Revenue, Laundry, Food, etc.)
- A list of all taxes collected (Sales Tax, Occupancy Tax, etc.)
- Guest Room Statistics (Rooms Occupied, Comp, OOO, etc.)
- If applicable - A list of all room revenue Segments or Rate Codes (AAA, Rack, Group, Corporate Accounts, etc.)