Use these steps if the FOSSE files have not imported, or if you need to import files for prior days. Listed below are the five night audit reports REQUIRED in .txt format

Code             Report Name

NADLYSUM - Daily Closing Summary Report

NADLYCLS - Daily Closing Report

NACACTIV - Credit Card Activity Report

NAMKTNGS - Daily Segmentation Report

NAREVRPT - Revenue Report

To complete the FOSSE Daily Activity Import, there are 2 main steps to be completed:


Part 1 is *downloading the files from Fosse.


Part 2 is importing the files into Inn-Flow.


Part 1:


Within FOSSE, run the reports listed below and email them to yourself in .txt format:

- Daily Closing Summary Report
- Daily Closing Report
- Credit Card Activity Report
- Daily Segmentation Report
- Revenue Report

*NOTE: Fosse does not permit reports to be downloaded in .txt format (only in .pdf). 

Inn-Flow's Fosse PMS Integration requires reports in .txt format for manual import. 

Email the reports to yourself in .txt format from Fosse. Then, import the files as described in PART 2 below. 



Part 2:


Within Inn-Flow, go to Accounting > Daily Activity Entry.


Select Import.


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 Select the Upload/Import PMS button.


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Select Upload on the top-right of the page.

A screenshot of a cell phone

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Select Choose Files and select the five .txt files saved from Part 1 above. 

(the picture below shows 3, but you are uploading 5 .txt. files)


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 Select Upload. You should get five green checks on the left side.

  (the picture below shows 3, but you are uploading 5 .txt. files)

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You can expand the Upload Log on the right if there is an error. This will show if any reports have an error. (i.e. wrong date file, wrong file format) If so, go back to Part 1 to ensure to have downloaded the correct format/date. 


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 Then select the Import button on the top right of the page to import the data:



This will remove any previously entered data and overwrite it per the reports. Select OK to continue.


A screenshot of a cell phone

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 You’ll receive a pop-up when your files have been imported successfully! Select OK.


A screenshot of a cell phone

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Then select Close on the top-right of the screen to proceed back to Daily Activity Entry.


If you receive a pop-up like below, stating that there are auto-import errors, select OK.


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Review the link below to resolve or contact Customer Support by emailing [email protected].

How Do I Correct Fosse Auto Import Errors?


Auto Import Errors occur when a new code has been used that has not been previously created or mapped. Once you map the new code, it will import correctly moving forward.


Complete the Night Audit Checklist and the Approve & Next button. 

Note: Do not make any changes to the following day if you're on the current day. Making changes will result in the need for manual import.