Set up:

1. New User Setup: Administration > Users > Add User 


       How do I add or setup a new user?

2. Create Custom Labor Models (Budgets): Labor > Models > HID 

        Labor Models

3. Create a Weekly (or longer) Labor Forecast from PMS data: Labor > Forecast > HID 


4. Create a Schedule (Forecast MUST be created before Schedule): Labor > Schedule 


5. Review/Manage Today’s Labor: Labor > Overview > Today 

        How do I force punch someone in or out?

6. Add/Update Missed Punches/PTO in Timesheets: Labor > Timesheets > HID > Pay Period


Additional Helpful Features: 

1. Optional Daily Tip Entry: Labor > Tip Entry


    Tips Entry

2. Optional Features within Labor Overview: SmileiD, Housekeeping Approvals, Room Assignments, Overtime at Risk

    Labor Overview

3. Optional Stay atop Performance: Labor > Performance 




Finalizing a Pay Period: 

1. After all Timesheets are verified, Approve (lock) the day: Labor > Daily GM Approvals 


        Labor Overview - Daily Approvals

Pro Tip: Unless there are multiple level of approvals by departmental mgrs., from the Overview page’s 3-dot menu > Alert Preferences > Labor > turn off Daily Labor Approval. 

2. Export Payroll after the pay period concludes: Labor > Payroll > HID 


3. Need to Unapprove day(s) AFTER exporting Payroll to make corrections?: Labor > Payroll > HID > Mark as Un-Exported THEN, Labor > Unapprove > HID



Review and Plan Ahead: 

Check out the Labor Reports Gallery at Labor > Reports
