April Release Highlights


Here are some of the big enhancements just added to Inn-Flow!



Alerts for Missing Punches


This feature will allow General Managers to receive notifications via the users’ primary communication method of employees who have missed their punch-out time. 


By default, General Managers who are on the schedule for a day will receive notifications for employees who have missed their punch-out notifications for the entire workday. 


Inn-Flow has also added an optional setting called "GM Always Receive Alerts", which will allow General Managers to always receive notifications for employees who have missed their punch out regardless of which day the General Manager is scheduled to work.


Graphical user interface, text, application

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Housekeeping Standalone Page


Inn-Flow’s new housekeeping standalone page will allow users to manage the housekeeping department's performance. This page will allow users to perform room assignments and housekeeping approvals along with the ability view key metrics like daily MPOR.


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Performance Page Indicator


On the Performance page, badges such as APO have been replaced with dots to indicate what day should be reviewed. Hovering over these dots will show more detail. The colors of the indicator dots are shown here.


Red Dot - No Show

Orange Dot - Auto Punch Out 

Blue Dot - Manual or OTF


Days to Approve Process – View Punches via Report


Next to each day on the Days to Approve slat, a new option will be added to the triple dot menu called "View All Punch" which will load a report on a new tab to  display all punches for the day.

Deleting Manual Breaks


Previously when breaks were added, they could not be edited. This has been corrected. If an incorrect break is added, you can edit this by clicking on the three dots on the right side and selecting Delete.


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Ability to Change the Schedule


Previously, you were unable to edit the schedule for the current day. This has been corrected so that times can be updated. For example, if your Housekeeper was scheduled to leave at 4:00pm, but now needs to stay until 6:00pm, the Out Time can be updated.


Graphical user interface, application, email

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My Timesheet Page


This feature will display the hours worked for the signed in employee under the Profile section in the navigation bar. The timesheet will be displayed for the current week.   

A screenshot of a cell phone

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User Validation 

All new users created are not complete unless they are also validated. Validated status means the user has a unique email address and optionally a unique phone number assigned to their account. When a user with an "Unvalidated" status logs in, they will be presented with a pop-up requiring them to choose their primary communication method (Email or Text Message), and to provide a unique email and requiring a unique phone number if they chose phone as their primary communication method. Once the user provides a unique email and (if Phone selected as primary communication method) a unique phone number they will be moved to a "Validated" status.