A Digital Signature can be added to a bank account so that a signature automatically prints on the check when printed from the Payments screen. This is done from the Register page of the account, by clicking on the Triple-Dot menu in the top right of the page to navigate to "Edit Accounts".
For more information on the setup process, please reference this article: How do I add a Digital Signature?
The Digital Signature limit is the amount entered to notate at what amount the check will need to be manually signed for security reasons. If this limit needs to be updated, follow the steps below.
Navigate to the Register page for the Account that you would like to update.
Click the Triple-Dot menu in the top right of the page, and select "Edit Account".
Go to the "Check" tab, and update the amount in the Digital Signature Limit box, and Save.
IF PRO TIP: If no amount is added, no signature will print. Please ensure an amount is added into the Digital Signature Limit Box.