If you're finding that your Operational Budget page either has no Rooms Available, or the wrong Room Count, see below on how to resolve this:

1. Guest Room count needs to be updated as of the start date of the rooms available. Ideally this is January 1st of the year, but it could be mid-month or mid-year if its hotel that was under construction. Here outlines how to add the Guest Room count.

2. Once your Guest Room count has been added, you need to trigger the Operational Budget for that year to recalculate. To do this, go into the Operational Budget page for the hotel. 

Then, click on any of the blue Factor Values at the top to open the Room Revenue section.

From there, click on any of the months for the % Occupancy, then Save.

This will trigger the Room Revenue top line revenue to recalculate with the updated Guest Room Count.