This is a common occurrence, as these figures are pulled from different reports. It can also occur for many other reasons, such as when you have a room check in after audit is run, Day Use Rooms, or an adjustment that was not tied to a Rate Code.
Step 2: Review the Segmentation Section to ensure that all figures have been entered/imported accurately from the Segmentation report.
Step 3: Review the Revenue section to see if there are any miscellaneous adjustments, Cancellation Fees, or No-Show Fees that should be included in the segmentation page to balance. If any of these items are found, enter them into the appropriate line of the Segmentation section.
If these are all accurately entered and there a variance remains, you can use the Manual Room - Revenue line within the Segmentation list to enter the variance of Occupied Rooms and/or the Room Revenue in order to balance.
Once the # of Rooms Occupied and the Room Revenue $ Amount match within each section, you be able to move forward without errors.