See below for information on enhancements released:

1. Accounting / Reconciliation: Export All option in each section now available.

2. Accounting / Reconciliation: Unreconcile All appears after selecting Reconcile All.

3. Accounting / Reconciliation: Group Reconciliation Mappings new feature for saved settings.

4. Labor Mgmt: Daily Approvals now have Departmental and GM Approvals.

5. Labor Mgmt: Payroll Deduction Settings page is now on the 2.0 platform.

1. Accounting / Reconciliation: Export All option in each section now available.

In Bank Reconciliation for every bank account and each section, in the triple dot menu on the top right of the page, you can now Export this data into excel.

2. Accounting / Reconciliation: Unreconcile All appears after selecting Reconcile All.

If you click Reconcile All and need to easily Unreconcile these, the button will change to Unreconcile All on the top right of the page.

3. Accounting / Reconciliation: Group Reconciliation Mappings new feature for saved settings.

In Bank Reconciliation, its common to have multiple credit card deposit types that are deposited as a single amount. For example, your Visa, Mastercard and Discover may be deposited in your bank as a single amount.

Users now have the ability to create "Group Reconciliation Mappings" from the Reconciliation Summary page. These mappings allow certain types of deposits to be always grouped together for a specific EHID and bank account. These groupings will be visible in both reconciliation screens and during bank sync for matching.

To set this up, within the Bank Reconciliation page, select in the triple dot menu on the top right, Group Reconciliation Mappings.

It will show any already setup mappings. Select Add Deposit Grouping to create a new one.

Select the deposit types to group together then select Create Group.

You can Exit, or you can select Add Another Group if additional groups for POS or other deposit types should be created.

Once these are setup, anytime you select a deposit type that you selected above, it will automatically have the grouped amounts together.

IF PRO TIP: This is going to save a lot of time during the Bank Reconciliation process! 

4. Labor Mgmt: Daily Approvals now have Departmental and GM Approvals.

In Labor Overview, you will now see two tabs, one for Daily Labor Approval and one for Daily GM Approvals. 

If only the GM approves the hours per department per day, you only need to click on the Daily GM Approvals. The Daily Labor Approvals is meant to be used for managers per department that are approving their specific departments.

The Daily Labor Approval is the same Days to Approve that used to appear, showing APOs and Over & Under Budget by Department.

The Daily GM Approval combines the Daily GM Approvals (APO, Over and Under Budget Departments), with Housekeeping metrics and a final Review page. 

The Departments tab has more metric comparisons - Hours, Wages, CPOR, Occupied Rooms and Occupancy %.

The Housekeeping tab reflects the information completed from the Housekeeping Approvals card on the Labor Overview tab.

The tab for Review is the final step of the Daily GM Check In. This will show how you've been trending in the first box. The second box shows Today's Totals, and the last one show Week to Date. Under each section is a text box for explanations for over budget for the day as well as how this will be improved for the week.

Click Submit Check In once all explanations have been entered.

5. Labor Mgmt: Payroll Deduction Settings page is now on the 2.0 platform.

In Labor Management, in Settings, selecting the Payroll Deduction Settings will take you to the updated page. 

New features include being able to make old deductions Inactive by clicking on the deduction and selecting the Deactivate Deduction.

If you need to view old deductions, select the Show Inactive on the top right of the page.

Those that are Inactive will have a box next to the name.