This article details the recent enhancement to the find and matching logic within the Bank Sync feature. The improved enhancement now includes transactions in additional locations within the Accounting Module, ensuring a more efficient and comprehensive reconciliation process.

Find and Match Logic - NEW!

We have updated the Bank Sync matching logic to include transactions in various statuses within Inn-Flow. Any transactions within these statuses can now be matched within the "Review" tab or found using the "Find" tab in Bank Sync.

Included Statuses:

  1. Transactions within the AP Inbox (draft transactions)

  2. Transactions awaiting approval

  3. Transactions awaiting payment 

  4. Transactions in Register

NOTE: Date Usage SpecificsFor transactions in the Draft, Awaiting Approval, and Awaiting Payment states, the system will use the "Invoice Date" instead of the "Transaction Date" for matching purposes and look across all accounts for that EHID.

Step-by-Step Guide to Bank Sync Matching

Step 1: Accessing Bank Sync

  1. Navigate to the Accounting Module within the main left navigation. 

  2. Navigate to the Bank Sync page from the Banking menu in Inn-Flow.

Step 2: Initiate the Find Process

  1. Select the transaction you want to match by clicking on it.

  2. Expand the transaction details by clicking on the arrow next to it.

Step 3: Review Matching Transactions

  1. Click on the Review tab within the transaction details.

  2. The system will review for matching transactions across the various states.

  3. Review the list of matching transaction(s).

  4. Select the transaction that matches by clicking on it.

  5. If the suggested match is not correct or no suggested match, use the Find feature to look for matches across the various stages again.

Step 4: Use the Find Feature

  1. Click on the Find tab within the transaction details.

  2. The system will search for matching transactions across the various states.

  3. A new column called 'Location' indicates the state of each transaction (e.g., Register, Awaiting Approval, Awaiting Payment).

  4. Review the list of matching transaction(s).

  5. Select the transaction that matches by clicking on it.

Step 5: Confirming Matches

  1. If the selected transaction is in the Draft, Awaiting Approval, or Awaiting Payment stage, the "Confirm" button will be greyed out.

  2. Only transactions posted to the Register can be confirmed.

Step 6: Understanding the value of cross stages Find and Match

  1. Cross-Stage Matching: The enhanced logic allows users to match transactions across various stages, ensuring no relevant transactions are missed during reconciliation.

  2. Increased Efficiency: By including transactions from different stages, users can reconcile transactions more efficiently, reducing the time spent on manual matching.