*PMS Integration must be activated by Inn-Flow first. Please contact Support to activate your property for the correct PMS Integration option.*


Hilton/OnQ Operations Audit Extract Instructions


To complete the Hilton/OnQ Daily Activity Import, there are 2 main steps to be completed. 


Part 1 is downloading the night audit reports in PDF and .chr format. 


Part 2 is importing the reports into Inn-Flow. (not required if subscribed to Bookkeeping Services with Daily Activity)

Part 1:


Within OnQ, please run the below reports on a nightly basis and save as chr format using the step by step instructions below.


OnQ Reports Needed:

REPORT CODE                       REPORT NAME                        

TRIALBAL                                 Trial Balance

RECRCP                                  Detailed Receivables Recap

GSTSTATS                              Room/Guest Statistics

MCATRPT                               Market Category Report


Within OnQ, go to Reports List


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Select All Reports


Select the first report: Trial Balance (as you run reports, the report selected will change)


Select Preview


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Change the Bus Date and then select OK


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When the report opens, click on the envelope at the top to open the Export screen


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Change the Export Format to Character-separated values


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 Change the Destination dropdown to Desk File


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Select OK


On the next pop-up, the Separator and Delimiter box should be shown as below. Please update the Separator box to have a Caret (^), found by selecting Shift 6, and Quotation marks (“) in the Delimiter box.


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Select OK


On the next pop-up, check both boxes then select OK. This step is key. If these boxes are not selected, the numbers will be rounded and the import will not work. Please ensure the boxes are selected.


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The next pop-up, you’ll be prompted to Save the file. The file should be saved as a .chr format. You can save the file as the prompted name but add a distinguishing factor for each reference, like TRIAL BAL 12.30.19 for the 12/31/2019 file.


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Follow the above instructions for the remaining reports, where you update Step # 4 according to the report needed. Below are the reports needed:


REPORT CODE                       REPORT NAME                        

TRIALBAL                               Trial Balance

RECRCP                                 Detailed Receivables Recap

GSTSTATS                              Room/Guest Statistics

MCATRPT                               Market Category Report

Part 2: (not required if subscribed to Bookkeeping Services with Daily Activity)


Within Inn-Flow, go to Daily Activity Entry.


Select Import.




Select the Upload/Import PMS button.


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Select Upload on the top right of the page.

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Select Choose Files and select the files saved from Part 1 above. Make sure to select ONLY the chr version reports that were saved in Part 1 of the instructions. All files must be uploaded at the same time.


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 The next screen should appear as below:


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This will remove any previously entered data and overwrite it per the reports. Please OK to continue.


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 You’ll receive a pop-up when your files have been imported successfully. Select OK.


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Then select Close on the top right of the screen to proceed back to Daily Activity Entry.


From there, select the Upload Docs button to import the PDF reports. This version of the reports is helpful for reference or any review that may be needed. 


If the red box appears with Auto Import Errors, please create a Support Ticket by emailing [email protected], or by selecting the Help button on the bottom right of the page. We will take care of the error so that it imports correctly moving forward.


Following the upload, please upload the below reports in PDF version should you need to reference the reports in the future. All below reports should be uploaded into the Upload Docs location within Daily Activity.



REPORT CODE         REPORT NAME                                   

RECRCP                    Detailed Receivables Recap

GSTSTATS                 Room/Guest Statistics

DPAUDSAA                Account Summary Report

MCATRPT                   Market Category Report

TRIALBAL                   Trial Balance 



Complete the Night Audit Checklist and Approve & Next to proceed to the following day.