If you have recurring or repeating payroll allowances, you can now set these up within a few steps.


First, you need to select which pay type needs to be setup to repeat. This is done from the Payroll Processor tab. 

Select the Payroll Export Code Mapping tab and be sure to pick the Export Format that you're using (you can see what Export Format each entity uses in the Payroll Export Recipient tab).

Then use the checkboxes on the right to select which additional pay types are Allowances. In this example, we'll setup a recurring Cell Phone Allowance.

User Profiles

The next step is applying this to the user profiles. From the Users page, find the employee that should receive the allowance. In the Labor tab, scroll down to the Allowances section and select Add Allowance.

Then type in the Allowance Name and select the Allowance TypeOnly the allowances you selected in the first step will appear in the dropdown menu.

The Recurrence Period is how often this should be paid: Every Pay Period, the First pay period of the month, or the Last pay period of the month. Select the option that applies to this allowance, and enter the Allowance Amount.

Once Saved, the Allowance will appear in the employee's profile:


You can check this is setup correctly by going into the Current Paycycle and selecting the employee's row.