If you have received a pop-up when attempting to edit items within Labor Management for the pay period, you may receive a message that states:  "Payroll for this period has already been exported. Continuing will require payroll to be re-exported to prevent any disruptions. Would you like to continue?"

This pop-up is to let you know that a user, possibly a member of your corporate team or a manager, has already exported the payroll file from the Payroll Page. 

If you would still like to make edits, you can, however you should communicate this with the team that exported the first file, as well as your payroll processing team. Also note that clicking "Yes" and proceeding with your changes will mark the Payroll as "Un-exported" on the Labor Management > Payroll page. The Payroll will need to be re-exported once your changes are complete and payroll should be considered final. 

Note: If you are an Inn-Flow Payroll Subscriber, an payroll that is un-exported will not import into Inn-Flow Accounting Module. If you notice that a Payroll Import is missing from Accounting > Payroll Import, please navigate to the Labor Management > Payroll page to ensure that the payroll is sufficiently complete.