
Managing Invoices

  1. Navigate to:

  2. Administration Area > Roles and Permissions > Accounting > Accounts Payable > Manage Invoice

  3. This permission grants users the ability to:

  4. View the AP Inbox within the navigation.

  5. Add a basic invoice (limited to vendor and amount).

  6. Save changes to existing invoices.

Adding Invoices

  1. Navigate to:

  2. Administration Area > Roles and Permissions > Accounting > Accounts Payable > Manage Invoice > Add Invoice

  3. This permission allows users to:

  4. Add a complete invoice, including all relevant details.

  5. Copy and delete invoices.

  6. Manage Attachments: Add, download, view, and delete.

  7. Send invoices to the next stage (approval, payment, post-transaction).

Moving Invoices

  1. Navigate to:

  2. Administration Area > Roles and Permissions > Accounting > Accounts Payable > Manage Invoice > Add Invoice > Move Invoice

  3. This permission enables users to:

  4. Move invoices from one EHID (Entity, Hotel, Department) to another, provided they have permission for both EHIDs.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Accessing the AP Inbox

  1. Go to the Accounting Module in the main left navigation.

  2. Click on the Accounts Payable section.

  3. Select AP Inbox.

  4. Choose the EHID you wish to work with.

Step 2: Adding a Draft Invoice 

  1. In the AP Inbox, click on the green Add Draft Invoice button located at the top right corner of the screen.

  2. A slide-out panel will appear, allowing you to enter the details of the draft Invoice.

Step 3: Extracting Data from Attachments

(Note: Invoice Extract is an Advanced Accounting Feature)

  1. To extract data from an attachment, click on the Extract button within the Invoice Attachments panel.

  2. Upload or drag and drop the relevant document.

  3. Use the Extract button to automatically fill in the fields based on the document's data.

Step 4: Entering Invoice Details

  1. Vendor: Select the vendor from the dropdown menu. This field is mandatory.

  2. Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number.

  3. Invoice Date: Select the invoice date from the calendar.

  4. Due Date: Select the due date from the calendar.

  5. Type: Choose the type of Invoice (e.g., Manual ACH, Credit Card, Check, EPAY).

  6. Amount: Enter the total amount of the Invoice.

  7. Accounting Period: Select the relevant accounting period.

  8. Notes: Add any relevant notes about the Invoice.

  9. EHID: Select the EHID (Entity, Hotel, Department) and enter the COA (Chart of Accounts) and description.

  10. Attachments: Drag and drop documents or browse files to upload relevant attachments.

NOTE: In order for the Invoice to be saved or for the triple-dot options to appear in the top right corner, you must input a vendor.

Step 5: Marking as Paid (If Applicable)

  1. For Manual ACH or Credit Card Invoices, you can toggle the Mark as Paid option.

  2. When toggled on, additional fields will appear:

  3. Account: This will default to the account for the EHID.

  4. Transaction Date: Enter the date of the transaction.

Step 6: AP Settings and Approval Workflow

  1. If AP settings are applied and applicable, the transaction can skip approval and move directly to payment or posting based on the configured rules.

  2. For more details, refer to the related Knowledge Base article on ✓ KB - Accounting - AP Settings - General

Step 7: Saving the Draft Invoice

  1. Ensure that the Vendor field is filled in to save changes or enable the triple-dot options.You can Save Changes, Send to Approval, or Discard the draft invoice.

  2. If you click on Save Changes, the draft invoice will be saved and listed under the Draft Invoices in the AP Inbox.

NOTE: To send an Invoice to approval, all required fields must be completed. However, attachments are optional, and a popup will confirm if an attachment is needed.

Step 8: Using the Triple Dot Menu

  1. To access additional options, use the triple dot menu located at the top right corner of the invoice screen. NOTE: These options will only appear within the triple dot menu after a vendor has been added and the invoice has been saved (Save Changes). 

2. Understanding the options:

  1. Copy: Duplicate the transaction details. This allows you to create an identical invoice and modify fields if necessary before saving or moving it to the next state. This can be useful for recurring transactions.

  2. Delete: Remove the transaction. Use this option to permanently delete an invoice if it was created in error.

  3. When you select Delete, a confirmation dialog box will appear asking, "Are you sure you want to delete this invoice?" 

  4. Move: Transfer the transaction to another EHID. This is useful for reassigning the invoice to a different entity.

  5. When you select the Move option, a dialogue box will appear.

  6. In the EHID field, select the correct entity from the dropdown list. 

  7. In the Accounting Period field, choose the appropriate accounting period from the dropdown list. Ensure the period aligns with the financial reporting requirements for the invoice.

  8. Once you have selected the correct EHID and accounting period, click on the "Move" button to complete the transfer.

  9. If you decide not to proceed with the move, click "Close" to cancel the operation.

Important Notes:

  1. You will only be allowed to move to entities you have permission for.

  2. Ensure you have the correct permissions to move invoices between entities within the Administration > Roles > Accounting > Accounts Payable > Manage Invoice Section. 

Step 8: Reviewing and Editing Draft Invoices

  1. To review or edit a draft invoice, click on the invoice in the list.

  2. The details will open in a slide-out panel where you can make necessary edits and save changes.