Being able to import multiple invoices at once via an excel template can be easily done using the available template. Examples you may have in a template would be for management fees for multiple hotels, enterprise accounting, owner distributions, or other recurring invoices.

Reviewing the attached template, below are instructions and helpful tips:

Column A: Hotel ID - Who is paying this invoice?

Column B: Vendor Name - Who are you paying?

Column C: CustomerNo - What is the customer # setup for this hotel in Inn-Flow? 

You can leave this blank and update it after this is imported.

Column D: Type - Are you paying it via Check, Manual ACH, etc.?

Column E: Invoice # - What is the invoice number for the invoice?

Column F: Invoice Date - What is the invoice date of the invoice?

Column G: The Accounting Period of the invoice (the month the expense should show on reports)

Column H: Due Date - When is payment due to the vendor?

Column I: Internal Notes - Anything to notate regarding this invoice? If you're using multiple chart of accounts, the Internal Note column must be the same. If the internal note column is different, it will be treated as another invoice.

Column J: EHID - Typically this is the same as Column A - unless the invoice is being paid by the Enterprise and expensed to another location.

Column K: COA - What chart of account should be used for this expense?

Column L: SubVendor - This is not mandatory is typically left blank. 

This is only be used if you're paying the vendor in Column B, but that vendor purchased an item from another vendor. For example, your Vendor may be American Express, because you're paying your American Express vendor, but you used your AMEX card to purchase items from Sams Club. American Express would be the vendor in Column B, and Sams Club would be considered the "subvendor" in Column L.

Column M: Description - Add additional details on the items purchased or being expensed

Column N: Amount - What amount should be expensed to the chart of account in Column K

No data should be in any cells after Column N.

IF PRO TIP: If the invoice has four different chart of accounts, the invoice details would be in 4 rows. All of the information in Column A - Column I would be the same, and columns J - N can be different. The Invoice Total will be the sum of column N for these rows.