Enterprise Reimbursement is when the "enterprise level entity" pays for an invoice that should be expensed to a hotel and/or non-hotel.

To complete, in the Invoice Inbox, select the Enterprise Level as this is who will actually be paying the invoice.

Select the amount, enter the invoice number and dates.

Next, you can split the invoice according to the hotels and non-hotels this invoice applies to. In this example, $500 belongs to the enterprise, and the remaining amounts need to be split to the hotels. 

When you select the COA, this is the row where you can select the EHID the expense belongs to per below's example. This entry would expense $500 to the enterprise, and the remaining amounts are expensed to the entities selected on the left side once the invoice is approved.

The invoice goes through the usual Invoice Approval and Payments workflows. 

Once the invoice is Paid, the Accounts Receivable entry will be created. There is a fixed chart of account, typically COA 20345 Due To/From Entities, that will be a debit on the enterprise and credit on the hotels, since the hotels owe money to the enterprise. 

Next step is reimbursing the enterprise for the amounts owed. This can be seen within the Register of the Enterprise Primary Bank Account, in the triple dot menu on the top right, select Reimburse.

You'll get to the Reimbursement Summary page that shows the amounts owed per entity. 

If you click on one of the amounts, you can initiate a payment entry from the Hotel to the Enterprise for any amount owed. 

If the hotel owes $10,000, and you only want to reimburse $7,000, update the amount and the Payment Method. Selecting Check will create an invoice to be paid from the Payments tab. Manual ACH will create a pending ACH entry in the Payments tab to be posted. 

These will appear in the Payments tab for the hotel under the Transfer tab to be Printed or Posted if an ACH.

The Reimbursement Summary page for the Enterprise will reflect the updated receivable amount.