This guide includes the following topics:


  • Overview
  • Add Rate Code
  • Edit Rate Code
  • View
  • Change Status To
  • Rules


The Rate Code Mapping page links each PMS rate code to an enterprise-wise segmentation and, if you are using the Inn-Flow Sales module, to a sales Account.  All PMS rate codes should be entered here.  

Add Rate Code

Select the Add Rate Code button to add a new rate code. Complete the required fields on the pop-up window. The Rate Code and Rate Name should exactly match the code that appears on the PMS rate code report. Use the Description field to further explain.




Edit Rate Code

To edit a Rate Code, select any of the rate codes from this page. Revise the necessary fields in the pop-up window and Save.





The View menu allows you to toggle the view between Active and Inactive Rate Codes. By default, only Active Rate Codes are shown.


Change Status To

Use the Change Status To selector to in/activate multiple rate codes at once.


  1. Check the checkbox to the right of all rate codes that you want to change.
  2. From the Change Status To selector, select Active or Inactive.
  3. Select the Change button




Find a rate code easily by using your browser’s Find feature.  Select the Control key and F key on your keyboard to open your browser’s Find window.  Then, enter a keyword in the window.



All texts matching your keyword search will appear highlighted on the page.