Note: The Bookkeeping Services Team is currently testing this feature and we will be rolling this out with all Bookkeeping Services Subscribers once testing is complete


The Communications Inbox is an essential feature that allows users to manage flagged items efficiently. This feature helps in tracking invoices and other critical items that require review or action. All flagged item can be monitored, reviewed, and managed from this central location.


  • Users with Bookkeeping Services and Can Flag/Complete and/or Can Review selected will see a Communications Icon within the left navigation.

  • See How to Apply Bookkeeping Flagging Permissions Knowledge Base article for more details.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Accessing the Communication Inbox

  1. Log in to Inn-Flow with your credentials.

  2. Navigate to the left sidebar and select the Communications within the left main navigation.

  3. All transactions that were flagged can be can be monitored, reviewed, and managed from this central location. In order to understand how this transaction was initially flagged see the Knowledge Base article: Bookkeeping Services: How to Add and Manage a Flagged Transaction

Step 2: Understanding Flagged by Me and All

  • Flagged by Me: View items flagged by you.

  • All: View all flagged items regardless of the user who flagged them.

  • NOTE: Users with only "Can Review" Permission will only see an All option with the left bar.

Step 3: Search Flagged Items

  • Search Bar: Use the search bar at the top to find specific flagged items.

  • You can search by header which is the main bold text, status badge, or EHID

Step 4: Apply Filters

  • Group Filter: Use the "Group" dropdown to filter flagged items by group, which will impact the EHID options.

  • Example: Selecting Group A will include EHID 1, 2, 3 in the filter options.

  • EHID Filter: Use the multi-select dropdown to filter by specific EHIDs.

  • Status Filter: Filter by transaction status using the multi-select dropdown with options:
  • Needs Review

  • Reviewed

  • Review Complete

  • Select All (selects all statuses)

  • Clear All (deselects all statuses)

NOTE: By default Needs Review and Reviewed are selected.

Step 5: Sorting Transactions

  • Sort Icon: Use the sort icon in the top right corner to sort transactions by date.

  • Options: 'New to Old' (default) and 'Old to New'.

Step 6: Access the Page Settings

  • Locate the gear icon at the top right corner of the flagged items list.

  • Save as Default: Click this option to save the current filter and sort settings as your default view. This setting will persist even when you navigate away from the page or log out and log back in.

  • Clear All Filters: Click this option to remove all applied filters and reset the view to show all items.

Step 7: View and Manage Flagged Transactions

  • List View: Transactions are displayed in a list view with their review status shown as badges (Needs Review, Reviewed, Review Complete).

  • Time Stamp: The time stamp is based on the Flagged Status.

  • Show/Hide Activity: Click "Show activity" to expand and view the full thread of comments and interactions for a transaction. Click "Hide activity" to collapse the view.

  • Comment Details: Each comment added within the transaction shows up here.

  • Comments will include the username of the person who added it, followed by the comment text.

  • The most recent comment will be at the bottom of the list.

  • Comment Pip Count: Indicates the number of comments within the transaction.

  • View More: Clickable link to view all comments if there are more than three.

Step 8: Updating Flagged Invoice

  • Click on an invoice that requires review. This opens the invoice details in a slide-out panel.

  • Once the invoice is opened, users will see an orange banner indicating the invoice needs review.

  • Update any necessary information that triggered the flag.

Step 9: Changing Status 

There are two ways to update the status of a Transaction that has been flagged.

  • Option 1: From the Top Banner

  • Click the Change Status button on the orange banner.

  • Users with "Can Flag/Complete" permissions will see two drop-down options for changing the status: Reviewed and Review Complete

  • Users with "Can Review" permissions will see one drop-drop option for changing status: Reviewed.

  • The banner color will change from orange to blue.

2. Option 2: From the Comment Section

  • Users can add a comment and select Add as Reviewed. This action will both add the comment and change the status to Reviewed with a blue banner.

  • Users can add comments for further clarification or instructions without changing the status by selecting Add a Comment from the comment section.

Step 10: Completing the Review

  • If no further action is required, users with "Can Flag/Complete" permissions can change the status to Review Complete from the drop-down menu in the blue banner.

  • If further action is required, users with "Can Flag/Complete" permissions can change the status back to Needs Review from the drop-down menu in the blue banner.

  • Users with only "Can Review" permissions will not see any further drop-down options once the status is changed to Reviewed.

Users with "Can Flag/Complete - Banner Options

Users with Can Review Permissions Only - No further dropdown options

Step 10: Enter Comments and Submit 

  1. If the status is changed via the top banner within the transaction details page a modal will appear.

  2. Enter a Comment: In the modal popup, you will see a field labeled 'Enter Comment'. Input any relevant details for this transaction.

  3. This is a required field.

  4. This comment is important as it will be automatically added to the transaction's comments section, tagged with "Needs Review".

  5. Optionally, type @ to notify another user within your comment, selecting the appropriate user from the list that appears. This notifies them directly about the flag for review.

  6. Click 'Submit' to finalize the flagging process. 

  7. The Submit button will be greyed out until a comment is provided. 

  8. This action will also trigger the display of a banner at the top of the transaction indicating its relevant status and designated users will be notified if mentioned.

Step 11: Understanding the Value of the Communications Inbox

  1. Improved Accuracy: Ensures all necessary details are verified before approval.

  2. Accountability: Keeps a clear record of who reviewed and approved the invoice.

  3. Efficiency: Streamlines the review process with clear status indicators.

  4. Communication: Facilitates clear communication between reviewers through comments.